The characteristics of Bio-Normalizer

From the worlds leading public research institute, the Bo-Normalizer (BN) already has 130 volumes of academic research thesis that has been published in the worlds scientific world by an authoritative official journal.There's no such case in the world,including in the medical fields, wherein, academic research thesis has been made out to prove effectiveness at a wide range of fields with just one material.

A health food with more than 130 volumes of academic research thesis

Academic research thesis to prove the effectiveness in the wide range of fields

The numerous academic research thesis

From the worlds leading public research institute, the Bo-Normalizer (BN) already has 130 volumes of academic research thesis that has been published in the worlds scientific world by an authoritative official journal.There's no such case in the world,including in the medical fields, wherein, academic research thesis has been made out to prove effectiveness at a wide range of fields with just one material.

Implemented a collaborative research with prominent research institutions to countries all over the world

Since the developmento Bio-Normalizer,by the Academician, Dr. Akira Osato, in collaboration with the authoritative public research institute to all the countries in the world such as in Okayama University, Yamagata Technopolis Foundation, Ehime University, FALCO Research Institute , National Cancer Center East Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, , Nagoya City University, Shimane University, (Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research Foundation, Kyoto) Gifu University, Osaka Dental University, University of Santo Tomas (Philippines), Ukrainian Sciences Academy (Russia), Russian State Medical University (Russia), Russia Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology (Russia), Russian Research Institute of Vitamins (Russia), University of California, Berkeley (USA), University of Rome, La Sabienza University (Italy), St. Anne Hospital (Italy), Niguarda Hospital (Italy), Eco-Nam Research Institute (France), University of Bordeaux (France), University of Santo Tomas Natural Sciences Research Institute (Philippines),Bicol District Hospital (Philippines),etc., elucidated the superior effectiveness towards various dieseases.

Commemorative photography with Dr. Parker at Sun-O International Co.,Ltd. Gifu main office

Superior effectiveness towards various diseases
Bacteriostatic action

The proliferation of a harmful bacterium to human body was controlled under the condition of nature.

In vitro excretion and toxic metal ions chelating action

The platinum contained in the cisplatin of anti-cancer drug and the lead accumulated in the body etc., were detoxified and excretes out of the body with the sweat and urine.

Free radical adjustment action

"Superoxide radical was eliminated by 5%.

Hydroxyl radicals was eliminated by 95%.

Induction of SOD and catalase is adjusted.

Induction of nitrogen monoxide synthase (iNOS) inside of the body.

Redox reaction adjustment action inside the body (oxidation-reduction)

Immunoregulation action

While the macrophage is being activated on the other hand, the neutrophil function was suppressed.

The natural cancer killer cell (NK) is activated to strongly attack the cancer cell.

When the virus is in the body, the production of gamma-interferon was heightened .

Anti-aging action