
The 7 considerable guidelines of Sun-O International Co., Ltd.


1. No discrimination, and not to ignore the situation

Not to apply discrimination in all aspects such as in the opportunity of employment and a wage, on training, including on race, social class, nationality,religion, disabilities,gender and politicl creed.In addition, I will not ignore such case that has been resistant in any situation of discrimination to all people related to Sun-O International Co., Ltd.

2. Fair pay regardless of gender

Equal job opportunity is offered to man and woman, and is accepted socially in the standard of the area of operation, and the fair price that the producer thought is paid. It is decided by the mutual agreement of the all the people involved, and equal consideration is paid to the man and woman's equal labor with fair consideration.


3. To acomplish accountability of the business, and preserve the transparency.

To preserve transparency in management and dealings.If the accountability is accomplished to all parties concerned, and to pleasantly accept if there are proposals and demands about the management, and to participate in the decision making.

4. To eliminate fair dealing of child labor and forced labor

The producer considers to deal socially, economically, and environmentally to enable a healthy living without giving priority to the profit. In addition, forced labor in the production process is not permitted, the domestic law and the local law concerning child employment and"Convention on the Rights of the Child" of the United Nations is observed.

5. Observe a safe and healthy working condition

To observe the condition set forth in the local law and ILO (world labor organization) to enable the producers to work in a safe and healthy environment. In addition, to continuously perform consciousness about health and safety , we offer Bio-Normalizer for health maintenance and recovery if you wish ,without demanding profit.

6. Environmental consideration

As much as possible ,we use low method in agriculture such as organic and mild pesticides to lessen the impact to the environment. We push on the usage of recycled materials and biodegradable materials for packing and tansport with low energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.


7. To promote fair trade

To provide information in relation to the dealer, producer and products background redarding fairtrade with the consumers, and not to perform an act to hinder contacts to the person concerned.

What's New

Expectant graduates of universities on March, 2013,post graduates (complete) or those who have graduated with the same framework with the newly graduates who wish to be employed (with or without work experience is not necessary) will be the object of recruitment.

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